Aug 29, 2008

Exercise # 11

I had heard many references to Wikipedia and used it myself but didn't really understand how it worked. I can now see why it is so popular and a constant reference for up to date information.
Once again the Youtube video was brilliant and made everything so easy to understand.
One question I wanted to ask and which didn't seem to be answered in the tutorials was where are Wikis created? So I did a Google search and found that there are many sites where you can create one.
I liked these and and I liked the 'Bad Ideas'
on this site !!

Exercise # 10

This was such an interesting exercise. The video was just what I needed to get my head around the whole Web 2 concept. I was unable to view it yesterday afternoon, so had to run it early this morning. I also found it was very fast, so intend to re-visit it so I can take it all in.
I thought the first sentence in the 'Away from icebergs' summed up my impression of all the libraians I work with. They work so hard, and the world is changing so rapidly. I have gained a better understanding of how Web 2 is impacting on libraries and look forward to seeing how our libraries are adapting to these changes as we move into the future.

Aug 28, 2008

Exercise # 9

I have noticed that any searches I do are much slower in the mid to late afternoon. So, when I tried this Exercise, at first I kept getting no results. Then I found that because I had copied and pasted the words from the exercise, I had a space at the end which seemed to make a difference. Even so, the results were not what I expected, with very little relevant content. The most popular blog 'Boing Boing' seems to be a peculiar mix of serious items, comics and video clips. I wonder if it is operating like an underground newspaper?

Exercise # 8

This is a very interesting area to explore. I found time just slipped away! I wonder if our new website will incorporate the use Auckland's new website has.
I also stumbled across this entry on in the L2Discoveries bookmarks.
It's not very visually appealing but has some interesting sites and the Shifted Librarian has a huge amount of information, including 'gaming'?? in libraries!

So much to learn, so little time.

Aug 27, 2008

Exercise # 7

This exercise was really demanding. I kept getting lost, but eventually managed to subscribe to some news feeds. I also followed the excellent instructions and amnaged to add the Exercise list to my blog. However, when I tried to follow the same process and add my news feeds, I just ended up with Bloglines.
There is so much to learn in just this one exercise!

Aug 26, 2008

Exercise # 6

I am really interested in the way that technology is changing the way news is gathered and disseminated. Have you ever wondered about the source of the film and pictures you are seeing on television? Many experienced journalists are losing their jobs in in television and print media because more and more people are using the internet to keep up to date with world events.

There is a wonderful cyberworld which can instantly record and react to world events. This also means that it is increasingly difficult for anybody to censor or prohibit the publication of information which should be freely available to all.

At the same time, however, it is possible for those with malicious intent to manipulate images, or distort the way that information is presented on the internet.

There is ongoing discussion about the possibilty of creating some sort of editorial processfor the web, to ensure that what you are seeing is 'really' what you are getting. It will be interesting to see how this develops in the future.,130061744,120273231,00.htm

Exercise # 5

This exercise was fun. I enjoyed creating my card, although I wasn't sure where it would save to! However, it landed safely on my desktop, so I am now able to include it in this Blog.

Aug 22, 2008

Exercise # 4 flickr

You can find this photo at this link. A promise of spring at the end of winter.

Aug 13, 2008

Exercis # 2 and # 3

Creating a Blog was such an interesting experience. Like Alice in Wonderland falling down the rabbit hole into another world, I have left my safe environment and entered into an enchanted forest of strange creatures, wonderful language, mysterious labyrinths and exciting adventures. All this while sitting comfortably at my desk with a kind and wise mentor happy to guide me through this new land.
Where will this adventure take me in the weeks ahead?
I am looking forward to leaping into new spaces, (hopefully landing on my feet) and bouncing back into 'real time' to catch my breath, all the while learning how to navigate in cyberspace.
Yeah! I am learning to fly!!!